Posts Tagged ‘twitter’

Today Facebook becomes the Google of social media – take that Twitter!

Anyone who follows tech news knows that today, Facebook announced that they have acquired FriendFeed. Not a big deal to most people.

What does FriendFeed do?

FriendFeed is a social media service that tracks “friends” across all of the other social media services – Twitter, Facebook, Netflix, Tumblr, etc. etc.

FriendFeed allows users to watch what their friends are doing everywhere – but it also allows users to post everywhere more easily.

Like Twitter, Facebook is searchable. However, FriendFeed also aggregates Twitter feeds. This means that a FriendFeed search could yield what everyone is talking about everywhere. Read the rest of this entry →

Past Podcasts April 2009


Rick Castellini has these podcasts posted over at, but I thought I would post them here as well. If you have never tuned in live, you can do so on the third Wednesday of each month on or 88.1Fm in Grand Junction, CO from Noon-1pm.

We used to have a three hour nationally syndicated show that was much more rich in content, but we gave it up because we only made about $125 in the seven years we did the show together.

You won’t find these podcasts on iTunes yet but you can add them to your iTunes library by downloading them and putting them in your music folder.

Past Podcast March 09


Rick Castellini has these podcasts posted over at, but I thought I would post them here as well. If you have never tuned in live, you can do so on the third Wednesday of each month on or 88.1Fm in Grand Junction, CO from Noon-1pm.

We used to have a three hour nationally syndicated show that was much more rich in content, but we gave it up because we only made about $125 in the seven years we did the show together.

You won’t find these podcasts on iTunes yet but you can add them to your iTunes library by downloading them and putting them in your music folder.