Tweets from the week 2010-01-13
photo credit: RobotSkirts
- I uploaded a YouTube video — YoGen by Easy Energy at CES 2010 #
- RT @rainnwilson: Just heard there was a terrible earthquake in Haiti. Please send some prayers that way – they need a LOT of help. in reply to rainnwilson #
- I am trying to study at the Library where a woman is going through her ringtones and a homeless guy is talking to himself. #fb #
- Obsolecense: I am at the library where the librarian is helping a homeless man with a problem he is having with the typewriter. #
- RT @allen099: My solution to NBC’s problem? Scrap the news. Noone needs it at 11pm…there’s something called internet for that.<- AMEN! in reply to allen099 #
- RT @Cmosfm: If you open a pawn shop, know what stuff is worth! “DVD boxsets – 30.00 each” is absurd – higher than MSRP in reply to Cmosfm #
- Leno is for old people. Conan is for the SNL generation. Wait for the old people to die and Conan will be back. # Read the rest of this entry →