Posts Tagged ‘tweets’

Tweets from the week 2010-01-13

Veni, Vidi, Tweet
Creative Commons License photo credit: RobotSkirts

  • I uploaded a YouTube video — YoGen by Easy Energy at CES 2010 #
  • RT @rainnwilson: Just heard there was a terrible earthquake in Haiti. Please send some prayers that way – they need a LOT of help. in reply to rainnwilson #
  • I am trying to study at the Library where a woman is going through her ringtones and a homeless guy is talking to himself. #fb #
  • Obsolecense: I am at the library where the librarian is helping a homeless man with a problem he is having with the typewriter. #
  • RT @allen099: My solution to NBC’s problem? Scrap the news. Noone needs it at 11pm…there’s something called internet for that.<- AMEN! in reply to allen099 #
  • RT @Cmosfm: If you open a pawn shop, know what stuff is worth! “DVD boxsets – 30.00 each” is absurd – higher than MSRP in reply to Cmosfm #
  • Leno is for old people. Conan is for the SNL generation. Wait for the old people to die and Conan will be back. # Read the rest of this entry →
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01 2010

Tweets from the week 2010-01-07

  • Panasonic just mentioned that one of their TVs will offer support for "Wireless WiFi" AWESOME! #CES #
  • Panasonic is going to "re-launch" the Lumix brand of cameras in the US even though they never left the market. #CES #
  • Panasonic press conference has a lot of filler. Hope it has a big finish. #CES #
  • I really think TVs will be the device that kills off the OS. #CES #fb #
  • Jon Landau – the producer of Avatar – is talking at Panasonic press conference. #CES #fb #
  • Panasonic's press conference is pretty bad so far. Samsung had me sold on 3D TV. Panasonic – not so much. #CES #
  • If Best Buy employees can't even explain the difference between HD and digital conversion – how do they explain 8 3D formats? #CES #
  • Panasonic Press conference begins with 3D TV announcement. #CES #
  • Jeff Katzenberg just came on stage at Samsung's press conference at #CES announcing 3D deal with Samsung & Technicolor. #
  • Samsung announces technology that converts tooty content to 3D – gross. #
  • Samsung announcing TVs & BluRay that support apps. Is this exciting? I have mixed feelings. #CES #
  • Samsung is planning on more phones and getting into the app development business. #CES #
  • Samsung began their press conference by announcing their new mission statement. Yep. One of those press conferences. #CES #
  • At the Samsung press conference #CES #
  • So, I got the EHX@CES ribbon with my press badge. What do I do with it? #CES #
  • Wish #Sprint was having a press event at #CES. All phones seen so far are GSM and Verizon. #
  • RT @syahmiafnan889: #CES – so far its only about #netbook and #ebook reader… <- don't forget 3D TV. in reply to syahmiafnan889 #
  • RT @saadkamal: OMG….Microsoft To Launch Slate PC Ahead Of Apple? #CES <- will people wit 3 min for bootup? in reply to saadkamal #
  • Today might be a wash. Not enough press events on press day to handle all the press #CES #
  • At the Venetian for #CES press day. #fb #
  • Day 2 of Pre-show #CES coverage. Rumors are of a much smaller show this year. Change name to ereader/3D TV/USB 3.0 show. #
  • Dang. Twitpic is down. #
  • Thanks @the_forum_shops @offthestrip @canyonrat @Parrot for the #CES retweets! #
  • My production manager and I are really hitting it off. #CES #fb #
  • Watching the animatronic gods dual over the fate of the Cheesecake Factory #CES #fb #
  • Trojan SWAG #CES #fb #
  • What is the deal with this? #CES #Vegas #Seinfeld #fb #
  • – Maybe we should try crashing this party #CES #fb #
  • Just saw a poster for HDMI 1.4. I'll give anybody $100 for their old HDMI 1.3 TV over 42" #CES #
  • Ya. It's a SCUBA mask camera system. #CES #fb #
  • The AR Drone by Parrot #CES #
  • Cool demo of a Pico micro projector running on an iPhone. #CES #
  • Here it is folks USB 3.0 – say ohhhh! Say ahhhhh! #CES #fb #
  • – The prize for first 3D TV demo we've seen at #CES goes to Sensio #
  • – The #BestBuy booth at #CES Unveiled press party. #
  • #BestBuy is a big #CES sponsor this year. Looks like they have changed their logo slightly. #
  • – What we are we are wearing to the #CES parties #fb #
  • – On our way to #CES Unveiled. #
  • – Yep. We are at #CES – arrived safe and sound #fb #
  • – Snow on Vulcan – on our way to #CES #
  • anyone know whether they are doing anything new and different with to improve WiFi at #CES this year? #
  • I would love to see some tweets from CES "booth babes" I have always wondered what goes on in their heads during the show. #CES #
  • I am hoping #CES isn't all ereaders and 3D TVs – two format wars with an audience waiting for the war to end before they buy. #
  • RT @HelpMeRick: Hot off press: : A new year, and YOUR chance to contribute #
  • First thing that has got me really excited about #CES so far… #
  • Any high rollers going to Vegas – I encourage you to gamble on me. Don't bet that $10k – help me pay for my PhD instead. #CES #
  • Trolling for #CES party invites. #
  • I will be in Vegas for the State of the Industry discussion. #CES #
  • I dropped off my car 5 hours ago at Big O Tires – it still isn't done. #Bigotires #
  • Finishing the last of my pre-CES chores. Hope to be on the road by 5am! #CES #
  • RT @nicolespag: Way cool! I can send a fax for free w/o a fax machine #
  • I am not ashamed to say that my tweets and blog posts can be bought. #CES #
  • Another tip for those covering #CES as press. Don't bother setting up press appointments unless you are compensated. It wastes time. #
  • Just read about the Mommy Tech Summit at CES. Very interesting. #CES #
  • I will be posting updates all week from CES 2010. Visit for regular updates starting January 5 #CES #
  • I will be posting updates all week from CES 2010. Visit for regular updates starting January 5. #
  • Obamatar #
  • Kay Ruane can't draw faces. #
  • Had a lot of fun camping now I am getting ready for CES. #
  • RT @Twitter_Tips: Looks like Tweets will count as votes on Digg soon: [LATimes] #

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01 2010

Tweets from the week 2009-12-31

  • Almost all of my CES clothes shopping done. #fb #ces #
  • It's my size and everything! #
  • Installing WebOS update 1.3.5. I am anxious to see if it changes anything. Still no video or voice recording – I am assuming. #
  • I can study no longer. I am going to find out where my wife is and help her shop from groceries. #
  • Sometimes I sit in my car for 5 minutes listening to a podcast before I remember that it will pickup from the same spot when I come back. #
  • RT @MesaCountyWFC: Part time Waver (Job#5330556) no experience required. Pay: $7.50/hr #gjco <- They say jobs are scarce. #
  • I am tired of my Palm Pre. I hope Sprint gets an Android 2.0 phone soon. #Pre #
  • Well, the presents are open. That was a quick 500 bucks. #
  • Wish it wasn't so muddy in the desert. I would love to go shooting. #
  • Christmas Eve tradition – get to the mall early for the best parking spot then spend the day with the motor running and backup lights on #fb #
  • It's cool to see Chrome and Firefox taking over! #
  • I am making these for everyone on my Christmas list #
  • Two days until Christmas as a little over a week until #CES. #

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12 2009