Getting The Most Out Of Your Personal Smartphone

Social Media by Social A. Howie

If all you are using your smartphone for is talk and text, you are really missing the point of the high tech device. Seriously, it gets you into a whole new world and you’re just using it like any other phone? That’s crazy, and kind of wasteful.

If you have a smartphone it’s pretty likely you are paying for some sort of digital package, or getting one for free, that gives you at least a certain amount of browsing time online and such. No matter what your digital plan is, you should be doing more with your phone if you are investing in the cost of a smartphone.

Use The GPS

One of the greatest benefits for people with smartphones that spend a lot of time in their vehicles is the fact that most of them come with GPS, so you don’t need a second device taking up space in your vehicle.

GPS isn’t just a way to help you get from point A to point B, but it also lets you check-in on your social media sites when you are visiting places or people. It’s also a great way to find what you need when you are in a strange area, since it allows you to search for nearby restaurants, stores, and more.

Do Some Browsing Or Shopping

Having a smartphone is a great way to stay connected to everything, even when you are nowhere near your computer. Sitting at the doctor’s office in the waiting room, bored, shop on Amazon right from your phone. Don’t want to haul your whole computer into the kitchen to use a recipe, search it on your phone and use that.

It streamlines your ability to browse and shop, and lets you do it from anywhere without the need to haul around your laptop. You can also spend time on social media, from your phone.

Play A Game

It’s counterproductive when you are trying to work, but when you are in a line or in a waiting room, why not play a game on your phone. There are plenty of mindless games that don’t take a lot of time or concentration in order to play. Do a match 3 or play Angry Birds, and have some fun.

There are games that you can play with your friends on your phone as well, so you can stay connected and have some fun.

Don’t just use your personal phone to talk on anymore, use it for so much more. There are also a million business things to do with your smartphone, if you are so inclined. The point is, smartphones are more than just a phone, they are a lifeline. Use yours for everything you can, instead of wasting its abilities.


02 2016

Ways Technology Can Help People With Addiction Problems

For a person struggling with an addiction, the road to recovery can be extremely long and toilsome. It’s said for anyone who needs help that in order to change, they have to want change, and they have to work for it.

People tend to have different opinions when it comes to time estimates on how long it takes to get hooked on a substance. There are certain harder and definitely more dangerous drugs that have addictive qualities that act fast, but for most substances, the dependency on that particular substance or thing depends entirely on the individual taking the substance and how often they’re taking the substance.

Nobody can doubt the addictive qualities of drugs, the way they change people, and the way they rule lives. Although addiction is always grievous, there are perks to living in the 21st century that help addicts come out of the fire with a little more ease than what has been available in the past. Here are different technologies that can help people struggling with addiction.

Wearable Technology

Technology is so cool in that way that it can aid people when they most need it. Just as your iPhone or your iWatch can help remind you to go to appointment or connect with friends, other wearable technology can help in a big way, too.

There is a wearable device being developed by Chrono Therapeutics that gives those addicted to nicotine a calculated dose of nicotine based on an algorithm. The program knows when the cravings are at their worst and it will wean the individual off of the substance.

This technology is being developed for more addictive substances like cocaine or heroin, although the market for people wanting to come off of those substances is a little more limited. The technology is still in process and will be more effective than more traditional methods.

Apps that Aid Recovery

If wearable technology isn’t something that is up your alley, there are always apps available that aid in the recovery process. For alcoholics seeking recovery, there is an app called Sober Grid that is free and allows users to find and connect with others in the area who are facing the same challenges. There is also an AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) app,  NA (Narcotics Anonymous), and other apps that have a goal to help those suffering get free,  and they even offer advice as to other things to do to fill the time and void.

People say that the key to getting free is to have a support system. Those who try to do things alone are more likely to fail. Thanks to technology, the opportunity to connect is easier than ever. Even though technology helps in the process, it’s still important to get an individual into a recovery program that is structured to include everything an addict needs to get clean.


01 2016

Apps that Help You Manage Finances

appsFor many people, managing finances has never been easy. It’s impulse. People want to spend their money, be happy doing it, get everything they want when they want, and have enough money left over to do it all over again the next day.

Bills shouldn’t exist, and since that’s already been said, nothing should cost money at all. Or at least if it does, somebody else should give them the money so that they can comfortably live without an ounce of responsibility or sacrifice on their part.

It would be nice if the whole world were a handout, but it’s not. Finance management is a real thing, and most people suck at it. Inflation continues to go up while wages seem to stay the same. Everything in life is expensive, and as time goes on, responsibilities stack up and the bills feel like they’re coming out of your ears.

It will probably be hard for you to hear that it’s mostly to do with how you spend your money and your lack of keeping track of your cash flow that puts you in this uncomfortable situation. Though there is wealth disparity in the world, and the 1 percenters are out there sitting on their Yachts in Cabo, you have to do the best with what you’re given in life.

You’re bringing in money, you’re putting out money. Luckily, technology today allows for you to easily manage your finances right from your mobile device. Here are some apps that will help you manage your finances.

As Unconventional As it Sounds, Twitter Helps

There are the obvious apps, but let’s start with something a little less conventional. Twitter gives you the ability to follow your favorite people and hear all about what they have to say. It’s not just for celebrities to post selfies on. Anyone can have a profile, so all of the people out there that have businesses related to money management, or anything for that matter, use twitter as their means to give you advice. Find them, follow them, and glean from their wisdom.

Mobile Banking Apps Changed the World

Mobile banking is the best thing to ever happen. Remember the days when you had to drive to the bank (during business hours, mind you) and deposit your check face-to-face with a human being? What a drag to be required to have interaction with another human being! Lucky for you, mobile banking makes everything easy for you.

You might never have to go to the bank again because it seems like there is something new coming out every day to make money transferring easier.

These are just simple apps that will help the average person learn to manage their finances. For more awesome money related apps, check this out. Money management can be hard, but at least you’ve got technology on your side.


01 2016