Archive for the ‘pop culture’Category

Oscar Wright wants to teach me to tango in Rome – the power of social media

I mentioned in a post somewhere that I would love to learn to Tango. That simple post lead to a comment on this site by Oscar Wright, a tango teacher in Rome, Italy. Somehow my life felt a little more glamorous to say that I have been invited to learn to tango by an instructor in Italy.

Mr. Wright likely invites everyone to learn to tango, but it still sounds impressive nonetheless to say that you know someone who teaches the tango for a living in Rome.

That is the true beauty of social media (social networking). On any given day, I can send and receive messages to people all over the world who have far more interesting lives than I do. I try very hard to make my life of fixing computers, blogging, teaching and doing all sorts of digital stuff sound interesting. In the end, I am just a guy who is very opinionated about the digital world. I am pretty good at rollerskating and I have been known to do some photography, but I don’t do anything as cool as teaching tango in Rome.

Living in Colorado, maybe I should learn to ride a horse and rope a steer. That would impress the online masses.


08 2009

Today – I am officially a Mac user – how I got the best deal

This is the first post from my new iMac. After much searching, I found that the best deal on a Mac is to get one from Apple directly.

Here are a few tips on how to get the best deal. Read the rest of this entry →


07 2009

Cabelas — $9.88 Crocs Sale

Cabela’s sells crocs. Why does Cabela’s sell Crocs? Does this raise your opinion of Crocs or lower your opinion of Cabela’s?

Cabelas — $9.88 Crocs Sale.


07 2009