Archive for the ‘pop culture’Category

Hate is a strong word – I hate what eBay has become

I used to love eBay. Indeed, I was an eBay fanboy. I made thousands of dollars selling found items using eBay. eBay made a lot of money off of me and I was happy to give them a share of what I made. That is, until eBay decided they didn’t want to be eBay anymore.

Ebay Front

This photo was taken when eBay was awesome.

Creative Commons License photo credit: Ryan Fanshaw PhotographyAfter taking a year off from eBay after writing my rant piece Where is Pierre Omidyar’s eBay?, I decided to try it again. I have learned over the past nine years as a computer geek not to take anyone’s word for what’s good and what’s bad in the computer world. I have to try things out for myself.

I knew that eBay had made many changes over the past year or two, but I had no idea how much those changes would effect my experience as a seller and buyer on eBay. Read the rest of this entry →

Please make your profile avatar a picture – not an avatar and a bunch of other tips

modify your avatar to bring people to the networks you prefer

modify your avatar to bring people to the networks you prefer

You’re on Twitter. You’re on Facebook. You post comments to 10 blogs. You listen to music via, Pandora, MySpace Music and Your photos are on Picasa, Flickr and Photobucket – not to mention the old Fotki and Webshots accounts you setup and forgot about. Truth be told, you jumped into social media headfirst and began splashing around uncontrollably when you realized you couldn’t swim. Read the rest of this entry →

How to dive into Web 2.0 social media culture

Today was my first day teaching Content Development for Web Pages or MASS 410 as it is described in the Mesa State College course catalog.

The catalog defines the course as:

Developing content for the World Wide Web for small businesses, non-profit organizations and media from a public relations perspective.
Development of content for public relations, advertising, marketing and sales, academic and news web sites. Electronic publications and on-line publishing policies and procedures. Methods of electronic journalism.


I began the class by explaining that the class would not be a web design class. There were a buzz of joy. Only one student said she was disappointed that I would not be teaching how to design web pages.

The class seemed a little confused as I explained that they would develop websites, post articles, upload video and audio without learning how to design websites. Read the rest of this entry →