Archive for the ‘pop culture’Category

talkingDigital Podcast Episode 001


This is it! This is the very first actual episode of the talkingDigital podcast.

Yes, we did do another episode, but that was an episode 000 – essentially, it was just a pilot. This episode actually features content and even a little information.

In this episode we discuss:

Twitter spam followers – Folks who follow you on twitter, but they never do anything but send out spam such as marketing info, pitch diet plans or tweet about how you can get more followers with their program.

Windows 7 house party silliness – It is a mystery to everyone whether Microsoft knows how cheesy/campy/horrible their Windows 7 party videos and downloads are. But is the strategy working?

Smart phone update – Palm Pre received a major software update this week, Motorola recently announced two new Android phones (Cliq will release Oct 19 and another phone that is yet to be named or shown) and iPhone is as strong as ever.

Forum moderator rant – Some moderators take their position too seriously and prevent dialog (the purpose of a forum) from happening.

Picasa 3.5 – Face recognition, powerful tools and ease of use. So long iPhoto.

Dead Ranch Hands – possible podcast tunage for talkingDigital

After searching the web for music to use in the intro of the forthcoming talkingDigital podcasts, I came across this fine band. We have been searching for music that sounds informative, yet dangerous. I think this guys did a great job. Of course, we also like funk and could possibly change our minds on this on.

We aren’t sure which cut we would use, but it would certainly be one of the more upbeat tunes. Take a listen, buy their album and tell us what you think.

The Dead Ranch Hands.

Yesterday’s podcast – all about Google


Modified Podcast Logo with My Headphones Photoshopped On
Creative Commons License photo credit: Colleen AF Venable

While we did wander off topic a couple of times, no podcast has ever done a better job of summarizing everything Google does in under an hour.

This week we proclaim ourselves to be the “Good EnoughLeo Laportes of tech radio and podcasting.

As always, you can hear all of our previous podcasts at