Archive for the ‘podcasting’Category

Computer Help Podcast for August, 2010


Rick Castellini of and Adam Cochran team up for another episode of the KAFM community affairs hour to help average humans from around the world with their computer problems.

If you enjoy this podcast, keep an eye on and Castellini on Computers fans will be interested to know that we are bringing Castellini on Computers back as a weekly podcast on the talkingDigital network!

talkingDigital welcomes Flying Robots podcast

We would like to welcome the Flying Robots podcast to the talkingDigital network. Flying Robots is a podcast about autonomous vehicles and robotics. The show will be hosted by Kevin Stallard and James Puckett. Expect the first episode in early September, 2010. The FRP guys are recording interviews and news for the show this week at the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International conference in Denver this week.

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08 2010

Watch for our new podcast lineup

We have been very busy compiling a schedule of new podcasts for the new talkingDigital podcast network. Final details are still being worked out, but here are a few clues as to what’s coming…

Mommy blogger extraordinaire
Gung-ho man show
Flying robots
Social media Moxy
Integrative medicine montage

… and theses are just the confirmed rumors.

Subscribe to the talkingDigital podcast network master feed so you won’t miss a single new show as it gets posted.

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