Archive for the ‘newsy stuff’Category

Watercooler All-stars new episode is up!

Watercooler All-stars is in on its 5th episode. This new podcast is a weekly discussion of news items that you probably won’t hear anywhere else. We scour the web for news of the weird, controversial and annoying. Each week we discuss topics such as morons in the news, stupid legislation, controversial matters and more.


05 2010

talkingDigital podcast studio – the before videos

We are in the final planning stages of construction of the talkingDigital podcast studio. We are in the process of moving two sheds and a lot of firewood. We hope the studio will be done in mid-July.


05 2010

Watercooler All-stars Episode 003 – taps, boobquakes and alien encounters


Here’s our latest episode of Watercooler All-stars, hosted by Adam Cochran and Erik Groves.

Watercooler All-stars is a podcast offering commentary on news we found on the cutting room floor of several respectable news outlets. This is not a fake news show. We cover actual news items from obscure news sources.