I have been using Windows 7 for a few days. So far, I am pleasantly surprised at how snappy it is and how much Microsoft has cleaned up the interface. It is in most ways an improvement, even over Windows XP.
While I enjoy Windows 7, I have to wonder what Microsoft was thinking with the new character wallpapers. I will admit that I don’t hate them – I am a fan of Salvador Dali and similar artists that create disturbing artwork with great detail. Essentially, this is what you get with the new Windows 7 character wallpapers.
Some of the wallpapers seem to be a little Yellow Submarine inspired, others have a Powerpuff Girl’s appearance while a few are seem like they were inspired by nightmares of a 4-year-old after watching a Tim Burton marathon with a Wizard of Oz chaser.
Windows 7 Release Candidate Wallpaper: Characters – Windows 7 release candidate – Lifehacker.