Grand Junction, CO Palm Pre promoter denied a Palm Pre
I am going to make this rant short, but accurate.
The week the Palm Pre was announced, I did what many gadget geeks do, I visited the Sprint Store and asked ********, a girl I have known for a while who happens to work at the local Sprint store when it was coming out and whether they were putting together a waiting list. She assured me they were not and that I would be added to the list when it was created. I got excited.
After making a post about the Pre in February on Facebook, ******** messaged me and told me that the Pre was probably not coming until March but, “ill put ne on hold for you first shipment. rumor is it will launch the last week in march [sic]”
Over the next few months and as late as last week, I visited the Sprint Store and talked to *****, *** and ****** who I know from outside of our Sprint relationship. Each time asking to please put me on a waiting list if one formed. Each assured me that it would happen.
Tonight, I stopped in the Sprint store and when I asked, “What’s new?” I was treated like I was trying to make small talk. “With the Pre, I mean… Is it first come, first serve or invite only?” (****** told me last week it might be invite only and that I would be put on the list)
“We have a waiting list. Do you want to be added to it?” ***** asked. I asked if he was kidding. He assured me he wasn’t.
“How many people are on the list?”
Keep in mind that I have been told that our store may only get six or seven Pres – probably a made up number, but at least it’s a number.
“You’re number 12,” said *****.
I am guessing that the other 11 people must have been put on the list before the Palm Pre was announced.
Over the past six months I have been teased by all my “friends” on Twitter and Facebook about been a Pre fanatic. I have defended Sprint and Palm each on this very blog in addition to numerous threads on Palm and Pre website threads.
I have become the Pre promoter for Western Colorado. Several news sites, blogs and podcasts have asked me to provide my first impressions and reviews of the Pre on release day.
I will be providing those reviews, interviews and guest interviews whether I have the Pre or not. The question is, will I be talking about the Pre, or will I be talking about my experiences of trying to acquire a Pre?
Keep your eyes on,, and, of course, as well as my Facebook and Twitter feeds to find out.