Archive for the ‘gadgets’Category

Good news for Twitter users, most people don’t get Twitter

Twitter is a tool, much like a pair of pliers. You don’t see people complaining that they don’t understand the proper use of a pair of pliers do you?

There is no proper use for a pair of pliers – they simply do what you need them to do. You may use them to grip tightly on to something, to crimp something, to turn something or to pull off that loose hangnail. There is no improper way to use a pair of pliers.

True, there are some things you can use pliers for that can be done better with other tools, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t get the job done with a pair of pliers.

Twitter has not purpose. It has no proper use. Like a pair of pliers, you have to understand how it works to get good use out of it, but it does nothing on its own.

Twitter can help you promote your business, but only if you have a promotion plan that utilizes Twitter well. Simply tweeting about your business won’t do any good unless you can make it interesting.

Too many people ran out and joined Twitter because they saw Oprah was doing it. As it turns out, Oprah doesn’t know what to do with it either. Joining Twitter could actually be a major misfire for Oprah as hundreds of thousands join only to find that nothing interesting happens on its own, you have to make it interesting.

Fitting in and understanding Oprah is no different than fitting in and understanding a new neighborhood, church, bar or school. You can’t just jump in and become the life of the party. You have to earn your way in. You must either be friendly or interesting. These are always the two ways to get noticed in any community.

If you are new to Twitter, I recommend getting on Facebook first and actually hooking up with people you really know before you try to make friends with strangers who might find you interesting. posted this article about the struggles of Twitter to maintain its new members.

Twitter Still Having Problems Holding Onto New Users | .

What would a Verizon iPhone do to the Pre’s potential market?




AT&T wouldn’t be working this hard unless they thought their exclusive deal was threatened. What would a Verizon iPhone do to the Palm Pre’s adoption.


While, deep down, I love Palm and hate to think of them going out of business. It would be a brilliant move on the part of Apple. It would certainly kill off any chances of the Pre posing a threat to the iPhone or Blackberry.

AT&T To Apple: Come On, Whats Two More Years? – The Channel Wire – IT Channel News And Views by CRN and VARBusiness.

Why aren’t fanny packs cool?

I love carrying everything I may need with me at all times. I have keys for my car, my wife’s car, my house and various keys for various jobs. I also have a small combo tool that has screwdrivers, a flashlight, a pair of pliers and a knife. I also like to use exact change when I can, so I carry a variety of coins. Add to this two flashdrives and a spare key for my car in case I lock the others in (saves my bacon at least twice a year).

My wallet contains a couple credit cards, a drivers license, and various shopping cards that get me great deals at a number of discount markets and restaurants throughout town. My cell phone and a small notebook that I use for jotting stuff down are also almost always on my person. I love being prepared and having any tool or device I might need at the ready.

The problem with all of this is not the lack of storage options. My primary concern is my image. The best possible solution to my storage needs would be a fanny pack. I could carry everything I need with me at all times. There are even fanny packs that support water bottles, cell phones, and have holes for threading headphones from your brown Zune.

Is it possible that someone will come out with a fanny pack that will not ruin my reputation as a taste-maker and trendsetter for techno fashion. A Scott eVest is a great alternative to the fanny pack, but they are too dang expensive and they also are very warm in the summer time.

If you are a techno designer, please make a fanny pack that isn’t nerdy. Perhaps the difference between nerds and geeks is that nerds wear fanny packs.


04 2009