Archive for the ‘the Internets aka the Internet aka the web aka the Interweb’Category

New Twitter spam tactics



We are sure that someone has written about this new approach spammers are using on Twitter, but we haven’t seen anything about it.

Twitter spam needs a name so we are going to call it spatter (get it spam+Twitter – not that clever, but at least it’s something).

Twitter filters out spammers by measuring blocked users and also users who post a lot but have few followers. To get around this, spammers are setting up new accounts and posting content that is not spam.

The first hundred or so messages are about food, movies, humorous comments, etc. We assume that they are using content from other Twitterers to create these posts.

Once they have a few posts established, they start following people. Especially those who automatically follow back. Many users do a quick check to see if the user is posting real content or just spatter. Typically users don’t read many of the posts, they check to make sure that all of the posts aren’t made up of sales pitches.

Once the spammer has build up enough of a following, then they unleash their spatter. Typically stuff about how to work from home, porn, or other typical spam material.

To some, a follower is a follower, but eventually this could cause a problem for Twitter as bad guys setup automated systems to let spatter loose throughout the network. This could be one reason that Twitter objects so much to programs that automatically return follows. The more followers a spammer has, the more difficult it will be to distinguish them from legitimate Twitter users.

What would a Verizon iPhone do to the Pre’s potential market?




AT&T wouldn’t be working this hard unless they thought their exclusive deal was threatened. What would a Verizon iPhone do to the Palm Pre’s adoption.


While, deep down, I love Palm and hate to think of them going out of business. It would be a brilliant move on the part of Apple. It would certainly kill off any chances of the Pre posing a threat to the iPhone or Blackberry.

AT&T To Apple: Come On, Whats Two More Years? – The Channel Wire – IT Channel News And Views by CRN and VARBusiness.

Where is Pierre Omidyar’s eBay?

Piled on some of the flat surfaces of my desk, I have a Marie Osmond fashion doll, a Ronald Reagan mask, a visible man model, a box of vintage bow ties, some Ken Struck toys from the 50s, a Canon Rebel xti, an Asus Eee PC, and a cool Homer Simpson Rubic’s cube.

At my house, this is known as my eBay fodder pile.

I save up unique items for several months and then put them up on eBay when I want to buy an item that doesn’t fit on my wife’s list of budget approved suppiles.
This pile has been gathering dust for a long time now. Not because I don’t have anything on that unapproved list, but because I don’t have any outlet to sell these items. Read the rest of this entry →