It has now been 24 hours since I became 12th in line for a Palm Pre at the local Sprint store. Here’s what I know…
The Sprint store will likely have at least 12 phones in stock. By now, everyone at the Sprint store agrees that I am on the waiting list.
I was told by the unofficial store spokesperson that the employees themselves were not allowed to put anyone on the list unless the customer came into the store in person. Putting someone on the list by proxy could be grounds for dismissal.
In other words, I don’t blame the employees for keeping company policy.
I have gained a small army of bloggers, tweeps, and podcasters who are trying to help. At this point I have a note for those trying to help…
Please be careful. I am not out to attack Sprint or their employees. If you will notice, I have not called Sprint names, threatened to leave their service or encouraged a boycott. I just wanted the place in line that I thought I had reserved.
I don’t want anyone making a bigger deal out of this than it is. I want my Palm Pre. I have promised several blogs, podcasts and news sites a thorough review on release day. I am upset that I may have to break those promises – I guess I can imagine how the Sprint employees feel at having to break their promises… If they even realized before today that I interpreted their promise to put me on the waiting list as a promise.