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Apple netbook rumors take us back to the iPhone, Nano and Macbook Pro days

It is funny how fast people forget how Apple does things. Apple pretends to surprise everyone with new products suddenly and without warning. In reality, however, they tease for a long time. Very few Apple products came out of nowhere.

Before the iPhone was announced, rumors of the iPhone spread before every Jobsnote. When the Motorola phone came out that would sync with iTunes everyone thought that it was the iPhone and the rumors almost ended. Then POOF! Out came the iPhone.

Similary rumors spread prior to the Nano and Macbook Pro releases.

Netbook rumors spread prior to the launch of the Macbook Air. Everyone got excited, then they found out that the Air was as light as a netbook but larger and less practical in function and price.

A Mac netbook is most likely around the corner, but rumors will continue until Apple realizes that there is a demand. When they do release it, everyone will pretend to be surprised and excited about how wonderful it is. And Apple will pretend like it was their idea.

Lies, Damned Lies, and Apple Netbook Rumors – PC World.

Facebook loses 10 percent of photos in hard drive failure – temporarily

Facebook temporarily loses more than 10% of photos in hard drive failure.

Hopefully everyone out there on Facebook keeps backups of their photos somewhere else. In fact, I recommend keeping most of your photos anywhere other than Faceboook.

The difference between nerds and geeks can be found in new Star Wars series


03 2009