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Wife uses her husband’s unemployment as excuse to buy a MacBook


I am giving this story publicity as an example of what not to do in troubled economic times.

I am giving this story publicity as an example of what not to do in troubled economic times.

If I were an employer – I am not sure this would motivate me into hiring this guy. It reminds me of when I was teaching high school classes of the moms who would come in and try to talk me into upping their kids grade.


Is his wife going to show up at work and make sure he is eating a good lunch and being treated nice by the other workers? I think she just used this as an excuse to by a MacBook.

The $1200+ could have been used to directly benefit her husband’s job search.

Wife to employers: Hire my husband, please –

GrandCentral is not dead! It lives on as Google Voice

Only a few days ago I as whining on Faceboook about how GrandCentral’s future was uncertain.

I am in the process of making some changes to some of the aspects of my business that would be a lot easier if GrandCentral was in operation. A move that I am terrified to make if GrandCentral were to go under in a few months.

It appears that I have nothing to worry about as this article points out on Webware. GrandCentral is being reborn with the Google name attached. Google Voice may not be exactly the same as GrandCentral, but that may be a good thing. GrandCentral was not the easiest service to figure out, but it was robust in features.

Let’s hope the new Google Voice keeps the ability to forward calls to any phone, offers live voice mail, and provides cool options like the ability to record calls.

Best of all, they plan to keep it free for a while.

Google Voice: A push to rewire your phone service | Webware – CNET.

New iPod shuffle – why can’t it just be a rumor?

The new iPod Shuffle is tiny, but it also requires special headphones and features Steven Hawking voice overs.

Engadget has posted these images and video of the new iPod Shuffle. It is 4GB and very tiny, it also requires special headphones.

Rather than providing a very tiny LED readout of songs and playlists, they have hired Steven Hawking to talk over your music while it is playing – like a bad DJ who talks over the vocals.

Apples redesigned iPod shuffle hits 4GB, talks to you updated with video.


03 2009