Let’s hope Amazon kicks the Shuffle right in the proprietary headphones

Amazon Spindle
UPDATE: I missed the part of the story where the author in wired mentioned that this was a hypothetical piece of equipment. Nevertheless, my commentary still applies.
Earlier this week Apple announced the new iPod Shuffle. A device that could only be worse if it was made by Coby.
Wired is reporting that Amazon is looking to get into the game with a new type of device called the Spindle. While the images look like mock-ups, the concept may just work. Amazon’s music store may not have as rich of a catalog as iTunes, but its versatility makes it superior in many ways.
If Amazon can find a way to add the Spindle to the Kindle’s 3G network for music downloads, Apple may have a real fight on their hands. Especially if their innovative products continue to almost dare their beloved followers to prove their loyalty.
The Macbook Air, iPod Shuffle, and iPhone’s lack of background process are just a few examples of how Apple may become like Palm in the future. By releasing devcies that are just innovative enough to give competitors an idea of how to improve upon the concept and release a superior product.
Spindle: Amazon’s Secret Plan To Beat iTunes | Gadget Lab from Wired.com.