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Where is Pierre Omidyar’s eBay?

Piled on some of the flat surfaces of my desk, I have a Marie Osmond fashion doll, a Ronald Reagan mask, a visible man model, a box of vintage bow ties, some Ken Struck toys from the 50s, a Canon Rebel xti, an Asus Eee PC, and a cool Homer Simpson Rubic’s cube.

At my house, this is known as my eBay fodder pile.

I save up unique items for several months and then put them up on eBay when I want to buy an item that doesn’t fit on my wife’s list of budget approved suppiles.
This pile has been gathering dust for a long time now. Not because I don’t have anything on that unapproved list, but because I don’t have any outlet to sell these items. Read the rest of this entry →

Google creative mind moves to Twitter (I like how the chose to capitalize the C but not the p) is reporting in a story by Joseph Tartakoff that Google’s Lead Designer, or Design Lead, rather is headed to Twitter.

Read the full story here:

Industry Moves: Twitter Hires Google’s Head Designer As Creative Director | .

Tinker and Twitter together may sound stupid, but it’s oh, so smart

Tinker will be much more than a Twitter search engine  



Tinker will be much more than a Twitter search engine


This afternoon I was teaching a college class about the future of news gathering in a Web 2.0 world. I mentioned that most news services use Twitter as a place for gathering sources and new stories.

Tomorrow Tinker goes live. Essentially the new service will allow users to enter in search terms and more to find news and other events as they are being covered on Twitter.

The uses for Tinker and similar services are endless. Imagine following a concert tour, a natural disaster, or the entire cast of your favorite TV show all in real time.

Click below for more information on Tinker as covered by TechCrunch

Tinker Gives Twitter Its Long Awaited Events Firehose .