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Microsoft takes one step closer to MSLinux prediction

This article from the Register contains a lot of jargon and techno-babble. In our reading between the lines, we interpret this article to mean that Microsoft is one step closer to creating their own version of MS Linux.

We (namely, Adam Cochran, the guy who does all the work at talkingDigital) have predicted that Microsoft’s next major overhaul of Windows (not Windows 7, 8 or 9 – but total rewrite of the OS) will be their own brand of Linux.

Every step Microsoft takes acknowledging Linux, the closer they come to accepting it. I hope they name it something cool like MSLinux, or Open Windows.

Here’s the lengthy article from the Register – we warned you about the technogobledygook.

Microsoft set for open source outpouring? • The Register.


07 2009

Ability to guess social security numbers is not news

Big Secrets

Big Secrets

In about 1985, I checked out a book called Big Secrets by William Poundstone. Actually I can’t remember if that was the book or one of his sequels, but in that book was a list of how to guess Social Security numbers.

Based on that list, I have been telling people for years that Social Security numbers were based on a simple system based on birth date and location. I have been challenged on this several times. Most often, people would tell me that if it were that simple, everyone would know.

Last week all the big tech news sites broke the “news” that Social Security numbers were based on a simple system of birth dates and location.

I felt smarter, but I wish that would have broke the news first.

Social Security Numbers Are Easy to Guess — Fox 2009 (706): 1 — ScienceNOW.


07 2009

1.5 billion iPhone app downloads – is Palm paying attention?

iPhone can do anything... The Palm Pre has yet to show its stuff.

iPhone can do anything... The Palm Pre has yet to show it's stuff.

Boy Genius Report and almost every other tech blog site are helping Apple with their big announcement that there have been over 1.5 billion iPhone apps downloaded.

Many of those are free, but a good portion of those apps are over $1. Is Palm noticing?

The Palm Pre has 30 apps available in their App Catalog. While several of those apps are labeled as trial versions, only the Classic app is actually limited to a 7 day trial.

PreCentral has reported that there are now more homebrew apps available to install through a hack than there are actual Palm-sponsored apps. Palm bet the farm on the Pre. What is keeping them from making some of that money back through their app store?

I will glady pay a few bucks for some good apps and games and I know that each of the other 300,000+ other Pre owners would do the same. maybe Palm is thinking that $300,000 won’t even scratch the surface.

I love the Pre, but it appears that my fears that Palm may pull another Palm move again may be coming true. They have a legacy of getting the best 90 percent right, but dropping the ball when it comes to giving their customers exactly what they want.

It is almost like they put so much effort into the research and development that they don’t have enough energy left for the follow-through.

App Store tops 1.5 billion downloads in first year : Boy Genius Report.


07 2009