Author Archive

Why couldn’t Google have bought Skype? The big eBay mistake

When Google buys a company, everyone scratches their head and asks, why?

Bloggers immediately go into overdrive as they post speculations about what Google is up to, or they rant about the stupid decision on Google’s part in buying a company that has nothing to do with their services.

Everyone eventually forgets about the whole matter until months or years go by and Google surprises the world with a new service either changes the Internet forever, or nearly ruins a service that is offered by a competitor.

And then there are the Google wannabes. eBay leads the pack. Read the rest of this entry →

Today – I am officially a Mac user – how I got the best deal

This is the first post from my new iMac. After much searching, I found that the best deal on a Mac is to get one from Apple directly.

Here are a few tips on how to get the best deal. Read the rest of this entry →


07 2009

Cabelas — $9.88 Crocs Sale

Cabela’s sells crocs. Why does Cabela’s sell Crocs? Does this raise your opinion of Crocs or lower your opinion of Cabela’s?

Cabelas — $9.88 Crocs Sale.


07 2009