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Two-state Bresnan outage reveals why traditional news media is dying

I found this logo by doing a Google image searchWhen you are a computer guy, you know when the Internet is out somewhere. Calls come in all at once.

Last night, I was mini-golfing with my kids and my cell phone buzzed. It was a friend informing me that their Bresnan Internet and phone service wasn’t working. I had them do the usual modem and router reset. That didn’t fix the problem, so I blamed Bresnan and told them to wait it out. As I was hanging up, my call waiting went off – it was someone 20 miles away from the previous caller with exactly the same problem. I blamed Bresnan and answered the next call waiting call.

I walked the last few holes so that I could talk on my cell phone to comfort people during their time of loss. Read the rest of this entry →

Today Facebook becomes the Google of social media – take that Twitter!

Anyone who follows tech news knows that today, Facebook announced that they have acquired FriendFeed. Not a big deal to most people.

What does FriendFeed do?

FriendFeed is a social media service that tracks “friends” across all of the other social media services – Twitter, Facebook, Netflix, Tumblr, etc. etc.

FriendFeed allows users to watch what their friends are doing everywhere – but it also allows users to post everywhere more easily.

Like Twitter, Facebook is searchable. However, FriendFeed also aggregates Twitter feeds. This means that a FriendFeed search could yield what everyone is talking about everywhere. Read the rest of this entry →

Oscar Wright wants to teach me to tango in Rome – the power of social media

I mentioned in a post somewhere that I would love to learn to Tango. That simple post lead to a comment on this site by Oscar Wright, a tango teacher in Rome, Italy. Somehow my life felt a little more glamorous to say that I have been invited to learn to tango by an instructor in Italy.

Mr. Wright likely invites everyone to learn to tango, but it still sounds impressive nonetheless to say that you know someone who teaches the tango for a living in Rome.

That is the true beauty of social media (social networking). On any given day, I can send and receive messages to people all over the world who have far more interesting lives than I do. I try very hard to make my life of fixing computers, blogging, teaching and doing all sorts of digital stuff sound interesting. In the end, I am just a guy who is very opinionated about the digital world. I am pretty good at rollerskating and I have been known to do some photography, but I don’t do anything as cool as teaching tango in Rome.

Living in Colorado, maybe I should learn to ride a horse and rope a steer. That would impress the online masses.


08 2009