Organizing for America called for volunteers to help with Obama’s visit here in Grand Junction, CO. They held a meeting for those interested in setting up chairs, working the crowd, and some telephone stuff.
Once the meeting began, this form was passed out and it was explained that volunteers would be picked from those who followed the instructions on the form.
For Obama supporters, this assignment was likely an honor, for non-supporters it probably felt more like a hazing to prove your loyalty.
Most people have discovered that Bresnan is back up, but if your Internet is still down, the problem could be on your end. I have been 100 percent successful in getting all my friends and family back online today but it took a few tricks. I am not 100 percent sure that each of these steps is required but, like I said, it has worked.
This process will not work if the outage is on the cable company’s end.
Before you begin – check with as many people in your neighborhood as possible to make sure that the outage isn’t on the cable company’s end. Don’t call your neighbor across town as an outage can be limited to a single block of service. It is best if you have neighbors next door, across the street or somewhere close to break a window with a rock. Do not throw a rock at your neighbor’s window. That was simply to explain how close your neighbor’s house should be.
These steps are recommended before you call the cable company. I also recommend giving the outage at least 2 hours before you call for help. Cable companies tend to assume that an outage is on your end and may walk your through steps that make the problem worse if the problem is on their end. There is no harm in preforming these steps at any time. Sometimes it will help speed your connection up if it seems to be a little sluggish.
1. Visit and follow the directions for changing the DNS numbers in your router or on your computer. If you don’t have a router, you will need to change the DNS numbers on each computer. If you have a router, you only need to add the numbers in the router.
GEEK NOTE: Yes, there are other public DNS numbers you can you, but I am trying to keep this simple.
2. Apply any changes you made to the DNS settings in your router. This is usually done with a link that says something like “Apply” or “Apply Changes”
3. Now, unplug your modem (usually a black box with lots of lights. The lights are usually labeled Internet, Ethernet, Power). You will also need to pull the battery out if your phone has lights for Telephone as well.
4. Unplug the router and turn off your computer(s).
5. At this point, your modem, router and computer should all be off.
6. Put the battery back in your modem and connect the power and wait for about 5 minutes for it to acquire a good connection.
7. Connect the power to your router and give it a few seconds to establish a solid connection.
8. Turn your computer(s) back on.
This should bring everything back up. If not, call the cable company and insist that a tech come out.