The ultimate geek watch – only $300,000

The HD3 3 minds watch

The HD3 3 minds watch

I am not a jewelry person, but I love nice watches. If I were rich, there are only two articles of clothing that I would not buy at a mall. I would get a couple hand tailored suits and a really nice watch.

Watches have been a fascination for as long as I can remember. I can’t really spot expensive shoes and I can’t tell the difference between a $100 meal and Olive Garden, but I know a nice suit and a nice watch when I see them.

I am always on the lookout for the ultimate watch. When it comes to watches, I don’t go for simple and elegant. I prefer almost obnoxious with lots of complications. The perfect watch goes beyond the standard face dial. It must be amusing and create a conversation.

In my quest to discover the perfect watch, I have never been quite sure what the perfect watch would look like. Until this week.

hD3 Complications understands me. This company puts out the kind of watches that I would design. Especially the Bi-axial or Idalgo and the ThreeMinds.

Price: “Over $300,000”

I will stick with my Big Lots calculator watch for now.

About The Author

Adam Cochran

Adam Cochran - computer guy, social media enthusiast, college instructor, former radio DJ, radio talkshow host, podcaster, photographer, writer, and capitalist.

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03 2009

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